Located on one of the world’s most spectacular sites on the edge of Sydney Harbour, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) opened its doors to the public in November 1991.
Established through a bequest by Australian expatriate artist John Power (1881-1943), who left his personal fortune to the University of Sydney to inform and educate Australians about international contemporary visual art, the MCA is dedicated to exhibiting, collecting and interpreting contemporary art. Here are some of the collection currently on display at the MCA.

One of the exhibitors that I really liked was the one by influential Victorian-based artist Aleks Danko.
Born in Adelaide in 1950, the son of Ukrainian émigré parents, Danko began making art in his parents’ suburban garage. After studying at the South Australian School of Art, Danko moved to Sydney in 1971, where he was a central figure in city’s conceptual art movement.

Alex Danko's My Fellow Aus-Tra-Aliens is on its final week ('til the 18th of October 2015) so you better check it out if you're in Sydney. :) Apart from Danko's exhibit, I also checked the other gallery which contains the MCA Collection which is a compilation of artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists.

Apologies if I wasn't able to take the name of the artists for photos posted above, just visit the MCA if you can and be mesmerized by their works. :) Speaking of mesmerize, another artwork that caught my attention was the mer-child by Sangeeta Sandrasegar.

Commissioned by the MCA back in November 2014, to be carried away by the current, to be dissolved in the Other is made entirely of fibreglass.
"As a mythological creature that travels upon the seas, the mer-child bears witness to our sea-faring activities. Sandrasegar describes her work as connected to current debates around ‘boat people’, in particular the plight of vulnerable child asylum seekers, and ‘the many others who have reached Australian shores by boat throughout history.’" - MCA
The Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney is open daily from 10:00AM-5:00PM (and until 9:00PM every Thursdays). Entrance is free so I highly recommend visiting this museum located along 140 George Street, The Rocks, Sydney.